The National Sports Commission wishes to unequivocally debunk and condemn the malicious and spurious statement made by Nigel Hughes on Facebook that the National Sports Commission financially neglected the Carifta Games athletics team or refused to assist with payment of Covid tests and meals for an additional day.
It must be accepted that if the NSC assisted the CARIFTA Games teams with $3M to depart Guyana to participate in the Games, then it would have no difficulty with assisting $160,000 so that the athletes can return home if a request was made.
The post made by Nigel Hughes on Facebook could only be construed as a callous and disgraceful attempt to score cheap political points off the backs of young, innocent and talented national athletes.
The present NSC has been the most receptive, generous, inclusive and accessible in the history of Guyana and all the sports associations would attest to this assertion especially in comparison to the previous National Sports Commission which would have been closely associated with the political party Mr. Hughes was a member of.
The NSC would have met with the president of the Athletic Association of Guyana prior to the team’s departure for the Games and would have committed two million dollars to the athletic team’s participation and one million dollars to the swimming team. For the record, at no point in time was the NSC notified of any emergency where the AAG required additional funds for unexpected expenses. In fact, upon meeting with the President of the AAG, he stated that there was never a need to request additional support from the NSC because the AAG was not in a position which they could not take care of themselves.
The NSC finds it reckless, irresponsible, and insensitive that Mr. Hughes’ post was made without any attempt to first engage any member of the commission for clarification especially at a time when the athletes were still competing. This is unacceptable coming from someone who regularly ends his post with “better must come”. Better should have come from Mr. Hughes by first checking with the NSC to find out if additional support was sought by the AAG for athletes and was refused.
The NSC supports many teams leaving these shores to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. Mr. Hughes’ meagre US$800 contribution could never compare to the support now being provided by the NSC and should not provide a license for him to be reckless and irresponsible with his Facebook post.
Despite the hopeless attempt to now justify his irresponsible and reckless post attacking the Government of Guyana, what is clear is that the AAG has stated unequivocally that no one from the AAG ever reached out to the NSC or the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport for any additional support. No spurious spin can now change that fact.
The NSC is aware that Sports Associations solicit funds to aid their objectives and programmes but advises that this episode be an important lesson that donations can be made by persons who have their unscrupulous political agendas.