Stabroek News

Essequibo part-time workers say they are enjoying the experience

Four part-time workers who are attached to the Department of Education Region Two 

Approximately 2,000 persons are employed as part-time workers in Pomeroon-Supenaam, Region Two, at various Government offices and the workers say they are enjoying the experience. This newspaper visited a few work sites and chatted with some of the workers. 

Many of the ‘temps’ were placed at the Department of Education in the region and the Suddie Public Hospital and put to work in different areas including “typing” and “filing”. When asked if there was any free time on the job many of them replied no, noting that the work is “loaded.”

“From the time we come in we are given work to type and also other things, wherever we are needed we have to do and get it done” one temporary worker explained. 

The decision by the government to offer part-time employment to thousands has raised questions about whether jobs actually exist and the cost of the programme.

Pryshmie Oodit of Affiance village is attached to the Department of Education. She explained the experience has been great so far. She was neatly dressed for work and related that she has met a lot of other workers on the job. 

Seema Sookram of Queenstown said she was working for the first time. She is assisting in typing and filing. 

Priya Conhaye said that she too is enjoying the experience. She said she has to work three six-hour days per week. Another part-time worker Soma Jagsai said that she is also working for the first time.

“Well I heard and I applied I had to get new clothes plus I have to come out and travel to work [but] it’s good so far.”

Those workers attached to health centres informed that they have been tasked with assisting the Medex and community health worker. One temp attached to Queenstown Health Centre said by next week they will have to go into the fields to conduct outreaches.

“We does have to work and different days we does have to do different things, different clinic, we does have to help weigh and write up and so,” the part time worker said.

Another part-time worker who is a handyman at a Suddie Public Hospital said that he is assisting around the compound. At Suddie Public Hospital a lot of workers were also seen at various departments.

“We are happy for this, we come out we do our work and we leave, the experience is great, we learning in the process, hopefully this become permanent,” several temps told Stabroek News. 

Visits to other government offices revealed that temps there were assisting officers with their duties. 


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