New Nursing and Midwives Council named

In accordance with the Nurses and Midwives Act No. 7 of 2022, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony yesterday announced the persons to serve as members of the Nursing Council from July 1st, 2022, to June 30th, 2025. 

A statement from the Ministry of Health said that Members of the Council shall hold office for three years and shall not be eligible for re-appointment or re-election.  The Council shall also elect from among its members a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and other officers as it considers fit.

The Nursing and Midwives Council is mandated to evaluate and register nurses, midwives and nursing assistants seeking to operate in Guyana, the release said.

The members of the new Nursing and Midwives Council are as follows:

●             Nalinie Dass-Sutton- Chief Nursing Officer (ex officio)  

●            Chandroutie Persaud- Representative,  Health Services

●             Shivani Ramdihol- Director Nursing Services, GPHC               

●             Dr.  Noel Holder- Representative, Nursing  Programme, UOG 

●             Donette Gullen- Representative, Guyana Nurses Association 

●             Maria Francois- Representative, Midwives Association of 

●             Dr. Dave Paguntalan- Representative,  Private Nursing           
                School (Texila American University)    

●             Meshel Sampson-Williams- Representative,

                School of Nursing                       

●             Leta Hoodith- Midwife

●             Nicola Nero- Technical Officer, Ministry of Health                                    

●             Debra Singh- Legal Representative, Ministry of Legal Affairs         

●             Sharir Chan- Guyana Cancer Society

●             Peggy Allicock- Registered Nurse  

●             Banmattie Salim- Registered Nurse

●             Raheema Rahaman- Nursing Assistant

●             Chanmattie Persaud- Nursing Assistant