Dear Editor,
September will be the anniversary month for my application to the Guyana Post Office for the renewal of two birth certificates.
All the relevant information was submitted from the older ones and I have the receipts that were given to me at the time of application.
I have no friend or acquaintance that works in the birth certification section and the registrar is not easily accessible to the common people.
Request for reason (s) for such inordinate delay is always met with an unassailable explanation.
This is an unacceptable situation where we, the commoners, have to nurture patience because nothing else could be done on our part.
It was reported recently that thousands of birth certificates were processed for the Amerindian communities and delivered during the conference of the Amerindian village captains.
I have nothing against the Amerindians receiving their documents, but couldn’t this same office make the same effort to address applications that were made almost a year hence?
Please, could someone look into this matter.
Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)