Stabroek News

GuySuCo stands by the report of the independent Team of Engineers

Dear Editor,

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is aware of a letter penned by Mr. Anthony Vieira and published in yesterday’s Stabroek News (August 3, 2022). In a previous release issued on July 6, 2022 and published in all of the major newspapers, GuySuCo outlined in detail, recommendations made by an independent team of professional engineers on how to configure its tillage fleet. As was stated before, GuySuCo concurs with the recommendation of the independent Team of Engineers. Neither the Chief Executive (CEO) nor members of the Senior Management were invited by the Team of Engineers to observe the field trial process, hence the Executive Management  of GuySuCo wonders why Mr. Vieira wanted to be part of that independent process.

As was stated on July 6th 2022, GuySuCo is pleased to reiterate the following facts regarding this matter

While we endorse the use of fixed frame technology on the Dutch Bed as recommended by the Independent Engineers, the articulated tractor is superior on the Broad Bed which is more suitable for mechanized operations.

The procurement records of the Corporation substantiate that over $42 million in parts associated with the fixed frame tractor (a brand being supported by Mr. Vieira), had to be bought in the first half of 2022, just to keep operations running. Why is Mr. Vieira supporting a brand rather than technology? It is unfortunate that as the corporation is focusing all its energies on the restarting  our Second Crop, that we are now plagued with a series of untruths by persons  who ought to know better .We therefore ask, to whose benefit and to what end?

GuySuCo remains committed towards progressing the agenda of ploughing more lands, and producing more sugar in the future, in its quest to recover from the worst flood experienced in Guyana during 2021.

GuySuCo further implores persons who wish to contribute meaningfully to the development of the Corporation to seek the truth by verifying and corroborating all information before publishing half-truths towards  their own personal agenda.

Yours faithfully,

Shanomae Baptiste

Head – Marketing and



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