Taxi torched at Sheet Anchor

The burnt shell that remains of Chandradatt Mohabir’s car after the arson attack. Inset is Mohabir

A part-time Sheet Anchor, East Canje Berbice hire car driver saw his car go up in flames in a mysterious arson attack around midnight on Friday.

The white fielder wagon belonging to Chandradatt Mohabir, 26, of Sheet Anchor Village, East Canje, Berbice, was parked on his bridge along the public road at the time of the attack, which was carried out by an unknown person dressed in a black hooded shirt.

Mohabir yesterday explained that he left his car parked on his bridge, located near the Canje Turn, as per normal prior to the midnight attack. “I hear a sound go bam and when I run out my room and come straight on the veranda, I see me car catch a fire and I hear somebody walking on the step,” the man related.