Stabroek News

I support the call to investigate allegations of corruption by an independent body

Dear Editor,

I support the call by Jillian Adams that “Allegations of corruption should be investigated by independent body” (Aug 27).

The following are suggested projects and acts (list not exhaustive) that should be queried: fishing trawlers fiasco; purchase of GDF helicopters; granting or not environmental permits without proper studies or not conducting any studies for various projects of government or favoured companies (how was clearance done without impact statements?); GuySuCo operations and management.

Awarding of contracts to build road (many of the roads are falling apart with huge potholes), to procure pumps, steel sheet piling and varied movable equipment, and to build pump stations (contracts were given to inexperienced, unqualified contractors); flood relief grants (why no accounting and auditing); denial that oil and gas production is impacting fish stock yet government agrees to compensate fisherfolks.

Mr. Su’s revelations – Demerara River Bridge (why switch location from what was planned by Coalition government and why the sudden switch of contractor; is it characterized by features that Su talked about in Vice revelations? Did Su’s revelation lead to a change in company?); Shore Base being constructed at mouth of Demerara River (why is Exxon constructing it with government oil revenue and state not owning it? Why details of this transaction aren’t made public?).

Gas to shore and the Wales Industrial complex; allocation of land as well as permit to grow hemp; granting of land in Uitvlugt and Leonara (President’s home town); non opening of the four closed estates; making contract payments without validation of work by engineers and scrutiny by accounting departments, and many more deals.

Justin De Freitas

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