Dear Editor,
Thank you for allowing me the space in your newspaper to advocate to those mainly between 20yrs – 45yrs to run for office in the next local government elections. Will you speak up for the oppressed in our nation? Decade after decade since independence, we as Guyanese are not happy and I mean all races. Do you know there’s a World Happiness Report? Guyana reminds me of the book of Judges – recycled misery. Whether you think or believe this or not, Guyana is on a cyclical path.
Since independence, we have moved from bondage to independence…from independence to great courage…to abundance. I theorize that we have or will move from abundance to apathy to dependence then to weakness, and finally back to bondage. You can affix the timespans in each segment, or maybe you would line up the segments differently. The bottom line is if you are mad as hell in terms of what is really happening to our beloved Guyana, then run for office.
As late as the LGE is (and GECOM must be held legally responsible for local government’s elections – no excuses). Run for office – someone has to speak, advocate, protest, represent – someone has to inspire the next generation. Why would the word “apartheid” sting in Guyana’s context? I position that engagement and activism are at an all-time low, thus, those in office, those out of office, and those watching on are all offended. This sounds like apathy and/or weakness to me. Where can you start?
Put this in your browser – 3 quick questions on electoral reform…click, fill and submit… Push for a clean voter’s list along with house-to-house registration. Next, we really should move from a top-up list arrangement to voting for potential party regional heads who compete for a seat in parliament. Let the people decide who should be their representative in Parliament and not the political party.
This can be seen in St. Kitts and Nevis’s just concluded elections; even the potential Prime Minister campaigned for a constituency and won resoundingly. According to a Stabroek News article, “GECOM says must act within law in relation to preliminary voters list” – well what is GECOM waiting for after all these years…just do it.
Denise Murray