Stabroek News

I encourage the President to spend a week in this neighbourhood

 Dear Editor,

It has been over five years I am writing about squatting in Good Hope Phase three, East Coast Demerara. Once again, I am appealing for help as these squatters continue to terrorize this neighborhood. Editor, I do not know where to go or who else to talk to because this Government is encouraging and allowing squatting.

It seems like every day on social media you can see the Ministry of Housing and Water rewarding squatters with house lots and in some cases house and land, while ignoring the discomfort and inconveniences posed to the legit landowners. I am a former headmistress, who went through all the hoops and stood in line at 2am just to see the then minister, who is now President, he unequivocally decided where I should get land, telling me it is a nice neighborhood.

Well Mr. President if you are reading this, I would like to encourage you to spend a week living in this neighborhood and tell me what is nice about it, or will you reimburse me for all my investment?


(Name and Address Provided)

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