The need for protecting the whistleblower grows ever more urgent

Dear Editor,

It has been over two weeks since the whistle was blown on attempts by senior officers of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to thwart the investigation into the murder of Ricardo Fagundes. The whistleblower (Dion Bascom) requested the protection of President Ali via his attorney, to date, there has been no answer to his request. 

In the ensuing weeks after the whistleblower made his revelations, his (Bascom’s) character was attacked in a press conference chaired by no less than the Commissioner of Police (Ag), and an attempt to ‘debunk’ was led by the Crime Chief, Wendell Blanhum, that was instructive in its paucity. Further, there have been attempts by Azzruddin Mohammed, to plant seeds of doubt on Bascom’s revelations as the work of a rival gold dealer. Thankfully, the Guyanese public knows to spot a red herring; it stinks ah fish!

Editor, as President Ali dithers, and the RSS probe into the vagaries of the GPF murder investigation has mysteriously stalled, the need for protection of the whistleblower grows ever more urgent as desperation may cause ignorant reactions from the perpetrators of the Fagundes murder. Heaven forbid that any misfortune should befall Dion Bascom. Emperor Nero famously fiddled as Rome burnt; it would seem that this history lesson was missed by President Ali.


Robin Singh