It is time for Integrity Commission to get its act together to deal condignly with corruption in gov’t (Part II)


I will not pay bribes.
I will not seek bribes.
I will work with others to campaign against corruption.
I will speak out against corruption and report on abuse.
I will only support candidates for public office who say no to corruption and demonstrate transparency, integrity and accountability.
          Petition drafted by Transparency International

Eight weeks of monsoon rains, coupled with melting Himalayan glaciers, have resulted in massive flooding across Pakistan, affecting some 33 million of people. About one-third of the country is under water, and many districts are looking like they are part of the ocean. So far, over 1,265 people have been killed, including 441 children, and at least 1,600 injured. A total of one million houses were either partially or fully destroyed, and thousands of miles of roadway washed away or damaged. Initial estimates of the damage are around US$10 billion. According to a Pakistani official, human-induced climate change has amplified the intensity and duration of the extreme weather in Pakistan: ‘This is very far from a normal monsoon – it is climate dystopia at our doorstep. We are at ground zero of a climate dystopia’. So extensive is the flooding that it can be seen from outer space.