GuySuCo’s CEO thinks outside of the box

Dear Editor,

I must congratulate the CEO of GuySuCo to usher in a new wave progressive policies which will definitely bring the change GuySuCo so badly yearns. GuySuCo needed someone to think outside of the box, and the CEO did just that. Now GuySuCo is on the move and I have now seen a true genius at work. He came and he saw that there were too many ‘sugar professionals’ and he immediately went to work. He sent some home and the others quickly resigned rather than adapt to the new ‘attitude of mind’. He then created a band of loyalists who were totally committed to his ‘cause’.

He quickly promoted many who would have never been promoted under the old status quo and gave attractive incentives, such as salary increases and new vehicles, to others badly in need. The immediate results can be seen from the huge increase in sugar production in the first crop this year and the positive indications that this year’s production will greatly exceed that of last year and the preceding years. The CEO also ensured that he has a Board which will partner him in his quest to create a ‘new GuySuCo’. He is indeed a true visionary and a trail blazer. He also made some innovative decisions in sugar which is unprecedented in GuySuCo and in any part of the sugar producing universe. For instance, at Blairmont Estate he purchased 2 chain saws to cut canes. This would boost the speed of harvesting thus ensuring that the canes reach the Factory within 24 hours and maximum extraction happens. This is still at its trial stage and a ground breaking report on this experiment will soon be published.

At Blairmont also, the CEO saw that the drains in the fields burnt to be harvested had water in them. He immediately instructed that after burning, drains should be dug and cleaned with Dondis before harvesting. This can be done notwithstanding the fact that the burnt canes stood 6-8 feet tall. He also stated that backhoes should be used to clean and dig drains and bobcats can be used to load canes. These should significantly bring down the tillage and harvesting costs. This is innovation at its best. In his quest to bring down costs further, he instructed that the new depth of tillage should be 6-8 inches and not 10-12 inches as was previously done. This will ensure that canes are planted at a fast rate and are available for harvesting to boost sugar production. His argument is sound, if rice can be planted on 6 inches ploughed land then: Why not sugar cane? This is what is called thinking outside the box.

The CEO also has another prefect measure to boost sugar cane yields. All the Corporation needed to do is double the LGRP application in the fields. The Agriculture experts who had concluded that only 25% extra application is needed are totally wrong. The Corporation must not flinch when monies must be spent even if it means an additional 75% than is necessary. The Industry must survive and turnaround at all and any costs. In one of the most effective decisions ever made, the CEO analyzed the huge hectares of sugar lands and concluded that GuySuCo has more lands than it could effectively tilled and the lands available should match the level of sugar production, hence his decision to abort some 4,000 hectares of cane lands which were a gigantic strain on the Treasury. This saved the Industry billions of dollars.

Finally, there is no need for GARU at GuySuCo (The Research Unit) and the CEO is correct to disband it. GuySuCo does not need any more research on canes variety. GuySuCo has all the varieties it needs. This is an excellent cost saving measure. This is a true visionary and leader. The Government must award the CEO with a Medal of Service for his innovative measures to bring the ailing entity back to its glory days. He is the salvation for sugar.


Narendra Lall