Even as the Guianas are far away from achieving a 50% reduction in the use of mercury in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM), the efforts of the Guyana and Suriname governments and their international partners for a complete phase-out, is a step in the right direction, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Director of Suriname and Guyana, Dr. David Singh said.
“We therefore welcome the numerous steps taken by the governments of Guyana and Suriname to address mercury use in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector,” Singh said on Monday. Singh was at the time addressing stakeholders from both countries, who participated in a one-day workshop on “Cooperation for reducing mercury in Gold Mining in the Guianas.” The workshop was hosted at the Pegasus Hotel and was aimed at advancing and promoting knowledge sharing and learning through multi-stakeholder discussions in tackling the mercury phase-out in the Guianas. He pointed out that it is important that they provide assistance to this category of miners since they do not have the opportunity and finances. Operators of this category he stressed are more about making a livelihood than profits.