The de-funding of IPADA-G contradicts whatever that ‘One Guyana’ slogan truly means

Dear Editor,

We all could have seen it coming, so obvious was the PPP Government and its leadership.  The inevitable stoppage of the money to IPADA-G could be detected from the manner in which the Vice President resorted to his old vindictive ways.  He then compounded the charade by starting to dance around the bushes to come up with the right combination of marbles.  He did, and now IPADA-G is starved of government cash, through a reduction of over 90%. The facts as uttered by the PPP Govern-ment are that there are problems with IPADA-G’s management and accounting of subventions given, even what arose to the level of the questionable, and which could not be tolerated any longer. 

The facts, according to the IPADA-G officers, are that all audit papers and reports have been given to the government, and they cannot fathom what the problem is.  In the clashing circumstances, somebody is barking up the wrong tree; or one side went about its business the wrong way. Editor, my position couldn’t be simpler, and it is twofold.  In the first part, if the PPP Government has uncovered fraud or any manner of impropriety, as alleged by the Vice President, then the book has to be thrown at those responsible at IPADA-G.  Put them before the courts, and let the matter take its course from there.  In the second instance, if there is nothing underhanded in the books and records, or with the disbursing of funds, then the books should be returned, the full flow of funds resumed, and close this out. Now I wish to go into two other directions. 

I gather that the PPP brain trust is bent on gutting an entity devoted to the welfare of African Guyanese.  I interpret this as part of its push to bend others to its will, and to neutralize Afro Guyanese pockets of presence, maybe even what is viewed as representative of potential resistance.  Part B of this first vision of the PPP Government is that it may have a fresh, new channel in mind for extending a helping hand to Black Guyanese.  By my estimation, there is a newcomer doing auditing work, who is a good candidate to come up with an alternate structure to IPADA-G; or already has a welcoming roof in place. The second direction I take in this IPADA-G funds strangulation is that it is at severe odds with President Ali’s ‘One Guyana.’ 

I say it: there can never be anything approaching a remote version of ‘One Guyana’ when this IPADA-G development comes across as such a hard contradiction of whatever that presidential and political slogan truly means at the core.  This is what the President and Vice President are doing in the sum of their un-distilled practices. To do so once might gain a pass on the basis of accident or mistake.  Lest it be forgotten, I repeat to register: if IPADA-G officials mismanaged, misrepresented, or misappropriated monies handed over, then march them off in pinstripes. If, on the other hand, this is another scurrilous manufactured crisis by the PPP Government, then it is just another day in the life of Guyana.  It is what wars with the President’s and Vice President’s postures about one of anything, including truth; merely politics through the punitive.


GHK Lall