Credit union members should weigh pros and cons

Dear Editor, 

Indira Thakurdin’s, letter (SN October 15) gave much for both sides of the divide, seeking control of the credit union, to chew on,  in advance of the much anticipated elections.

On the one hand it was long against the side seeking to (re) take control with a nominated chairman who once served in that capacity; clamouring for nine members of the current Committee of Management, who were once favoured but now banished, to never to serve again: amid some damning allegations against the nominated chairman and his previous tenure.

It has to be wondered what crime did the once favoured nine commit, but yet were allowed to remain in their respective positions up to the time elections is called? Is it democracy to call for people to be debarred from running in an election because it is perceived those persons may have lost the support of the membership or are no longer favoured by those who perceived themselves to have already won the vote?  Let the ballot decide.  I suppose it is elections season so the rhetoric is ramped up 

However, on the other hand, it was very short for the side seeking the return of the incumbent with just ‘three positive colloquial sayings of our time….’.  There was a fourth at the end of the missive.

For the undecided, the missive offered no clear pathways in helping to make an informed decision.  With some days to go before balloting it is hoped these members would be able to weigh the pros and cons of either side and so choose carefully.

My best wishes for a successful contest and best wishes to those who were successful in securing votes to the various positions.  May they serve in the best interest of the union and its members. 

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed