How the cost of living is hitting people (Part 4)

Interviews and photos by Subhana Shiwmangal

Stabroek News on Wednesday spoke to members of the public at Vreed-en-Hoop generally about the rising cost of living and how it is affecting them. Their comments follow:

Urmilla Ramlall

Urmilla Ramlall: ‘The cost of living right now is very high. The past couple of days everything has been rising, especially groceries. Right now I’m working to survive. I can’t get any luxury time to go out, and have fun because I’m not working for enough money that could allow me to have that luxury, since the cost of living is high right now. I don’t know who can help and what the government can do to change it, maybe if prices for items could be a little bit lower and salary a little bit higher…one of the two will do, so everyone can have a stable life where people can have time to work, study, and time to spend with family while the cost of living is affordable to them. For instance, I noticed for the past couple of weeks milk carries a different price in the market. First the regular milk used to be $480 a lb, $560 a lb…now it is sold for $680 a lb. And that’s just the regular milk not the Fernleaf milk. It has other milk that is expensive, I just go with what I can afford. The government should do something to help people who have a basic work with low salary at least to buy groceries, and not only to work alone but to enjoy life as well.’