Dear Editor,
I would be very grateful if you allow me the opportunity to make a very pertinent observation. Our neighbour, Brazil, just concluded a run-off election for their next president. I was absolutely amazed or should I say flabbergasted that at 9 pm on the very Sunday of the election the international news organizations, Reuters and the Associated Press, were reporting that ‘Lula’ Da Silva was Brazil’s president-elect. Now taking into consideration that Brazil is the fifth largest country by area in the world and the fourth largest democracy by population, this was most definitely a stupendous achievement, having processed almost 120 million votes within a few hours. May I interject a quotation here: “By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” Confucius.
It boggles the mind that almost 60 years and numerous elections after Independence, our pathetic leaders are still bickering about electoral reform. There is absolutely nothing “NOBLE” to reflect on about our sordid electoral history which vacillates between thuggery, thievery and absurdity. Our recent “EXPERIENCES” have indeed been very bitter to say the least, with very little optimism for possible improvement in the future. That leaves us with the last alternative, “IMITATION” which is the easiest. Maybe, just maybe there is a lesson here for our pugnacious politician to imitate from across the border, rather than continuously engaging in one-upmanship which all but guarantees a future of chaos, confrontation and at times bordering on the ridiculous.
Keith Francis
Jacksonville, Florida