Stabroek News

Issue of floating debris in Pomeroon River needs immediate attention

Dear Editor,

The issue of debris floating in the Pomeroon River is a serious one. It is an issue that needs immediate attention. It has also been the cause of many boat accidents, the most recent is the death of a guy who knew the Pomeroon River. I am not sure if Trevor Patrick was born in the Pomeroon River but I know he knew that part of the region the most. I knew Patrick since I worked as a reporter on the Essequibo Coast. His death came as a surprise to me but more saddening were the circumstances under which he met his demise. 

Many calls to have the Pomeroon River cleared of debris have been made but why little is being done to address that issue is the bigger question.  What would it take to see a change in persons dumping garbage and debris into the river and how soon would the people of the Pomeroon River have a proper dump site to dump their garbage?

Editor, years ago there was a boat accident involving a paymaster, a teacher and another person in the Pomeroon River.  The boat that they were travelling in got entangled with coconut husks and the boat capsized.

 Many of these accidents could be avoided if only care for the river is taken seriously. Many may argue  that there is not adequate space to properly dispose of their garbage however when the coconut husk is being place along the river bank and the tide rises it floats into the river and poses a serious risk for boat accidents. 


Yannason Duncan 

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