No mention nor cost of a NGL plant on NPTAB’s website as per the President’s announcement

Dear Editor,

Further to the publication on 13 September 2022 on NPTAB’s website for MNRE’s Gas to Energy as it is named therein, the population is left to wonder what the cost of the NGL plant is. According to the website’s tender description, this is a Gas to Energy Project Natural Gas Fired Power Plant with reference number 02/2022/26B, no mention of any NGL plant. Yet His Excellency told the nation that CH4-Lindsayca joint venture is to build the proposed Natural Gas Fired Power Plant and an NGL plant under an Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) contract. Which is the error in this “right government” for the Gas to Energy Project albeit with no environmental permission to date from EPA?

Am left with no alternative but to ask this question via this format as deep silence is all that emanates from the black hole of questions asked about this project from both the GoG and the operator/contractor and its partners.


Elizabeth Deane-Hughes