Kaneville miner died from multiple chop wounds

Ravindra Alfred
Ravindra Alfred

The post-mortem examination performed on the miner who was discovered dead at Sand Hill Backdam, Cuyuni River has revealed that he died as a result of multiple chop wounds.  

Thirty-seven-year-old, Ravindra Alfred, a miner of First Street, Kaneville Squatting area, East Bank Demerara, was murdered on Sunday, allegedly by a Venezuelan. His body was discovered by three men who also worked at the camp in Sand Hill Backdam. It was said that he was having an affair with the suspect’s fiancée.

The dead’s man mother, Indra Singh, 61, told Stabroek News that last Sunday around 9 am, her son was having breakfast at her camp at Sand Hill Backdam as she usually cooks for the workers and her son. She said her son had a little house on the landing and he would usually go over by her and sleep at Sand Hill backdam.

After breakfast the woman asked her son to go to the backdam, he agreed and they both left to go there. Singh related that on Monday around 9 am when she could not find her son, she went to the woman’s camp, but could not find her. She continued searching two other camps but there was no trace of her son.

Singh said that in the morning she continued to search with the help of the three men who combed the bush and found a slipper belonging to the suspect. They decided to continue to search all corners of the backdam, and her son’s body was discovered by one of the men at around 11 am. The distraught mother told this newspaper that her son was in a bad state. The sight was too much for her and she passed out and was brought out of the backdam. The three searchers meanwhile, contacted the police.

Based on information received, Singh opined that her son’s murder was planned and set up by the fiancée. She thinks the suspect used the woman to lure Alfred into the bush then chopped him to death with a cutlass and hid his body away. He and his fiancée then tried to escape to Bartica but were both found by police around 4 pm yesterday on a boat when they arrived at Bartica.