Stabroek News

EPA still to complete probe of one-barrel oil spill

More than two months after ExxonMobil reported that one barrel of crude oil was spilt during a maintenance activity on the Liza Unity FPSO, the Environ-mental Protection Agency (EPA) says its investigation into the spill is still to be completed.

EPA’s Executive Director Kemraj Parsram told Stabroek News yesterday that the investigation report is in its final stage of completion but that he is uncertain when it will be released. He noted, however, that the EPA confirmed that only one barrel of oil was spilled.

In September, ExxonMobil said that the team on the Liza Unity FPSO observed a sheen on the water in the vicinity of the vessel. Initial investigations indicated that approximately one barrel of crude oil was released during a maintenance activity on the vessel. The activity was immediately stopped and the leak isolated.

“Additional surveillance by helicopter confirmed that there was no sheen in the area; only a light sheen was perceptible approximately 20 km (13 miles) North West of the vessel. By midday on September 10th, a support vessel in the area confirmed no further sign of a sheen”, a release from the company said.

Parsram had told Stabroek News that the EPA took the lead in investigating the spill and that the findings will be released to the public

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