Stabroek News

The answers to all of the following questions ought not to be kept a secret

Dear Editor,

Some of us are not very good at handling puzzles and mysteries. So just a few – when will we know the truth about Ricardo Fagundes aka ‘Paper Shorts’ death, murder or assassination, take your pick? Two, as a matter of public interest, when will the DPP explain why the powers vested in her office was used to withdraw the charge brought against Attorney Singh for allegedly allowing his saliva to hit the face of a lowly paid constable and use of discriminatory remarks? Three, and this is for the President, is SOCU functioning as a unit as intended or is it there for Partisan Political Purposes? Four, after the East Coast, Mon Repos ruckus, the State media reported no less a person than His Excellency Irfaan Ali, personally saw to it that the vendors were compensated. Is it not time that details be given of how much money was dispersed and to whom?

Five, similarly, when will we be given appropriate details, even if it is block by block or village by village of how much was handed out for flood relief? When will we hear the whole story related to oil contracts and the tax concessions, which we were told, was the responsibility of GRA? What is the difference between our motto – One People, One Nation, One Destiny and One Guyana? When will the appointment of the Chief Justice and Chancellor be made? Is it true that instructions were given for ethnic balance with respect to recruitment in Security Forces? So if ethnic balance is the new policy, this ought to be made public and the percentage should be known. Amerindians, Africans, Portuguese, Chinese, Europeans and Mixed.

If this is the new policy, with which I disagree with, but if so, it should apply across the Board, State land leases, mining leases, Government Contracts, Licences for firearms, etc., and finally, what is the policy with respect to immigrants, in particular from, Venezuela, Cuba, Brazil, Haiti and the English speaking Caribbean? So we have the bizarre saga of the relief of the ship which caused one billion dollars damage to the Demerara Harbour Bridge. Have we had an explanation? Is this another case of the aircraft that flew out of Ogle and end of story? All of the above ought not to be secret.

Hamilton Green

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