Stabroek News

Too many murders

Dear Editor,

I am saddened at the way in which our people are being killed. I remember back in the days when I was growing up I rarely heard of a murder.  Today every day there is a murder and this should be a national concern.  What can we do to help reduce this scourge that has taken over our society? Editor, where has the love gone for our brothers and sisters and why every time someone has a disagreement with another person it has to result in a murder?

I was reading about the Linden miner who was viciously chopped to death by a man who also chopped his brother. The brother is now fighting for his life. We hope that the brother survives since that family is already stricken with the loss of one brother.  Editor, reading these events makes me question where has the love for our fellow mankind gone and why are our people so angry to the extent of viciously attacking and killing each other? Last week alone three elderly women were murdered by family members.  I hope and pray that the people in our society would learn to control their anger and stop resorting to violent behaviour. We have lost enough already to murder, we cannot afford to lose anymore.

Yours sincerely,

Yannason Duncan

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