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Find your why and the rest will follow

Find your why, make it conspicuous

Taking charge of your fitness journey in 2023 to achieve a consistently fitter, happier and healthier life includes being realistic and staying consistent, setting SMART goals, creating manageable targets, listing the benefits of getting fit and healthy, scheduling your workouts and  not comparing yourself, which were detailed last week.

To continue that conversation, here are another six tips, some of which you probably know already, but are worth repeating.

Find your why

Motivation can be sometimes difficult to muster. It is even more impossible if you have no real idea or reason why you’re doing something. So why do you want to exercise? Or why do you think you should be doing it consistently? Dig deep into your mind to work out your why. When you have figured it out, write it down and place it in a conspicuous place. Near your bathroom mirror is a good location; you will see it every time you brush your teeth or wash your hands. You can refer to it when you’re feeling unmotivated because, yes, we all have off days. But even better, it will become an affirmation and a daily reminder of the goal you have set for yourself.

Celebrate small wins

Don’t underestimate the power of patting yourself on the back for small steps you have made towards your goals. It might not seem that way but the little achievements count and they can motivate you to keep going. All progress, no matter how small, should be noted. Small wins add up and eventually become significant.

Plan your workout

The gym can be intimidating, and for some, it’s boring. However, if you go armed with a workout complete with sets and reps, it will provide structure and motivation. Alternatively, join a class to give you direction.

Hire a personal trainer

Sometimes, we all need a push or someone to encourage us to keep going. The right personal trainer will vary your workouts, improve your technique and encourage you to work at your optimal capacity. As a bonus, you will have someone who holds you to account.

Reduce your alcohol intake

Drinking alcohol might be fun at the time, but alcohol has detrimental effects on your workouts. It can cause dehydration because our kidneys produce more urine, and energy levels are affected. Your body is making less glucose which makes you more tired. If you’re tired, you’re more likely to make poor food choices and duck out of training the next day. Yes you can blame it on the alcohol, but you can also not have that second drink.

Get enough good quality sleep

Last but certainly not least, sleep right to exercise and eat better the day after. Wind down by reading a book. Some people might choose to listen to an ebook or a podcast, but you’re much better off restricting the use of your phone, tablet or computer in the last 30 minutes or more before you go to bed. Good rest is key.

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