Stabroek News

GuySuCo unable to meet production target for this year’s second crop

The latest production figures for the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) show that the sugar producer will be unable to achieve its target for the second crop of this year.

Week-old production figures seen by this newspaper, indicate that the industry is off its target by 6585 tonnes.  The total crop production figure stands at 33,770 tonnes from a target of 40,255.

The Blairmont sugar estate has surpassed its production target by 21% as it produced 9,576 tonnes of sugar from a target of 7,899.

The Albion estate has to date produced 84% of its targeted production. Production figures at Albion stand at 18,180 from a target of 21,566.

Meanwhile, the Uitvlugt estate, which faced mechanical challenges in the last crop, has to date only produced 56% of its target.  The estate’s target is 10,800 tonnes and so far it has only produced 6,014 tonnes of sugar.

In the first crop of 2022, the sugar producer set a target of 21,000 metric tonnes, while in the second crop the corporation was aiming to produce 40,255 tonnes of sugar.

From a production target of 20,261, metric tonnes, the corporation has only managed to produce 13,076 metric tonnes of sugar in the first crop of 2021.

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