Stabroek News

What about the tons of garbage littering city streets and wards?

Dear Editor,

The Chief Citizen (CC) threw himself across a truck,  even lying on the ground, in order to block the removal of caravans and stalls outside the GPHC, as he boldly proclaimed ‘to represent the poorer class of people in this country’ (Demerarawaves December 13).  How noble. If only the CC would throw himself into getting the tons of garbage littering city streets and wards for several weeks to represent the poor and hard working rate payers in this City.

While it is acceptable that an alternative location should be found for the vendors, it has to be wondered,  how could approval be given by the City, as is being claimed by vendors, to vend in a highly sensitive area as the public hospital? Now efforts to bring some order is being met with an offensive, aided, abetted and supported by no less a person than the CC, in the name of the poorer class. It has a familiar ring.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed

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