Patricia Sears’ blooming floral arrangements

Patricia Sears and some of her floral arrangements

Time was when there had been a keen ‘rivalry’ between ‘worshipers’ of freshly cut flowers and artificial ones, a clash that pitted the ‘green fingers’ against the ‘crafty’ types. There has been a kind of ‘class’ rivalry there with the cultivated flowers offered up as works of nature. Advocates of artificial   flowers sold their offerings as works of art that did more than simply mimic their ‘fresh cut’ decidedly distant ‘cousins.’ Their ‘value’ lay mostly, first, in the fact that they could claim to being works of art and secondly that, by their very nature they allowed for latitude in the application of both colours and creativity.

Who’s wining the argument? Well, that’s another matter. What cannot be questioned, however, is that, freshly cut or artificial, the two have found their own niches on the Guyana Market.