Chairman of Region Three, Sheik Ayube and Parika/Mora NDC Chairman, Jaideo Sookhoo, say they are willing to work with Parika Sea Dam squatters to find suitable housing facilities.
In an interview with Stabroek News on Friday, Ayube pointed out that he is aware that the area has been occupied by squatters for many years. He also noted that every year the number of persons there grows. He however stressed that the area is a sea defence reserve and the residents should not expect infrastructural development in the area since the sea defence must be maintained.
When invited to comment on the rate of unemployment within the area, Ayube responded, “We have the ongoing part-time government initiative for employment and it’s also at the NDC. The region don’t have a centre where we can put them temporarily until they are allocated house lots, if we had one maybe we could have placed them there temporarily.”