Stabroek News

Amerindian hostels usurped for non-indigenous purposes

Dear Editor,

In the recent budget, billions of dollars were allocated for the development of Indigenous communities, institutions and other areas related to the development of the Indigenous People. Whether the allocated funds serves its intended purpose is a different matter. For example, the Amerindian hostels around the County are supposed to cater for Amerindians visiting Administrative Districts to conduct business, seek medical assistance etc., The hostel located at Lethem, which has just been rehabilitated, serves a different purpose. It has been basically converted to a public conference hall and a training institution for nurses and health workers for a long time now.

A couple of years ago accommodation was constructed in the hostel compound for the caretaker and family but never served its purpose.

Instead, it was first occupied by a police officer and is presently occupied by the training instructor for the nurses and health workers. The caretaker and family were recently living in a room in the same building, which was converted to a computer lab, but had to relocate to different rooms in the building to accommodate the rehabilitation. Now that rehabilitation is finished she has to move back to the lab.

Editor, we the Indigenous People of Region 9 would like the authorities to look into this matter so we can benefit from the funds allocated for our development.


Patrick Fitzpatrick

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