Stabroek News

Ultimate Image Inc opens new store in New Amsterdam

Janica Sandy

Janica Sandy’s Ultimate Image Inc continued its expansion with the opening of a new store in New Amsterdam yesterday; an accomplishment that brings excitement and happiness to her heart.

In an interview, she explained that in addition to selling organic hair and skin care products, her company also retails other brands of cosmetics and wellness products. The Georgetown location also offers all spa services. While the Pitt Street, New Amsterdam location will not provide spa services, it will supply Sandy’s line of products, along with cosmetic items and she will also provide space for other growing business owners to expand and stock their items.

Having studied overseas, Sandy returned to Guyana in 2019 and opened her beauty store. In 2021, she added a line of organic products and spa services. Last year, she started looking at a new location in the ancient county of Berbice, which led to yesterday’s opening.

In addition, Sandy pointed out that her products retail in about seven of Guyana’s administrative regions. They are also available in specific locations in Antigua, Barbados, and Suriname. She is looking to expand to five more Caribbean countries. She said that she partnered with people in Suriname and Antigua initially. However, during the Agro Fest, she met people in Barbados and started a working relationship.

The businesswoman said that once she has an idea, her mind always goes global and so there was no doubt that her products would hit shelves throughout the Caribbean. She said that at present, her company has about 29 different products for skin and hair, especially skin. The turmeric brand is for intimate areas and the face. “People are more interested in that line because of the hyperpigmentation,” she related.

According to her, there is a market for her organic products which are manufactured and packaged locally. She stressed that her company also tries to source as many items as possible locally and imports USDA-certified essential oils.

According to the young woman, after suffering from certain skin issues, she began mixing products to help her skin. Once she saw the difference, she posted before and after pictures on her social media platforms which garnered the attention of hundreds of people who practically begged her to release the products as they were also suffering from similar skin issues. She quickly noticed the opening of that market and embarked on expanding her business.

“Having my own natural line was a long-term goal,” Sandy said. “I studied make-up artistry for film and television in Canada and I worked in an aromatherapy environment where my interest was really sparked by… understanding the importance of natural products.”

While makeup was her initial passion and will remain close to her heart, Sandy said that although she still offers such services, she believes that the industry is somewhat oversaturated at the moment. “I’m not putting that down, but it’s not my main focus. I’m not just a make-up artist now… Most of the stuff people do now I’ve been doing [since] 14 years ago. I’m more of an entrepreneur. I have multiple growing businesses and a full team so for me just being a makeup artist would limit me,” she said.

Sandy stressed, “I set enormous goals and those goals include other services, other business ventures. Makeup is where I started. I believe in a one-stop shop for Ultimate Image, not makeup alone, think wellness, think big, think beauty company.”

Opening a store in the well-known Pitt Street in New Amsterdam, Sandy said, has always been a dream of hers.

“Pitt Street was the street. So, for me, having a physical location it’s a dream. It would take me back to that childhood feeling of walking through Pitt Street and it being rated the street for businesses. Having a location there, is taking myself back to where I started. Having options for my people.”

Meanwhile, the young woman stressed that she is very supportive of other people wanting to get involved in her field as she feels that there is room for everyone. She stressed that if more persons are to get involved then Berbicians will have a variety of items to choose from – something that is not currently available within the district. “I want options to be available and not every time people need something they have to be sending to Georgetown. I’m also open to other brands, we all have our own target markets, and having options for people that live in Berbice location would benefit both manufacturers and consumers,” she added.

In advising others who are contemplating entering the world of business, she said, “You need to find your niche. Don’t think because this business is trending you can pull it off… Being a business owner, it’s not an easy task, if it’s something you really like, you work towards that. Set a date and time for how you will accomplish it. Set short and long-term goals, be consistent, have a burning desire and faith and go for it.”

One of Sandy’s long-term plans is to retire by the age of 40. She said her goal is to build a team and be able to take ideas and invest and have that operate on its own without her having to have a physical presence.

Last year Sandy received two honours.She received the OAR award for the most improved business at the Action Coach annual Christmas dinner and the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association’s President’s Award for her company’s continued expansion in skincare products that are well received locally and in export markets in Antigua, Suriname and Barbados.

More in Stabroek Weekend

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