Gov’t should have sought out those with the institutional memory on the city kokers

Dear Editor,

The Editorial in Friday, January 27, 2023 Stabroek News titled the “Princes Street Sluice” door is instructive and I recommend it as compulsory reading for every concerned citizen. It deals with the tragedy of the NDIA Board and the PPP Government improperly and unlawfully assuming the responsibility for installing a faulty steel door at Princes Street. But Editor, the curse which is like a cancer eating away at the fabric and loins of our body politic, is that we have a Government that truly believes it knows everything, can do everything, ignoring all others.  On the question of installing a steel door at the Princes Street Koker, if the Minister and the NDIA had taken the trouble to consult or discuss with persons with experience and a sense of patriotism, Minister Mustapha would not have been placed in the uncomfortable position he finds himself in and the people of Charlestown/Albouystown would not have suffered the inconvenience of flooding at high tide. First, I am not an Engineer, but I’ve read and studied widely on all matters related to the City and Guyana. When my tenure as Mayor was coming to an end, the idea of replacing a metal alloy, not plain steel to replace the heavier wood was suggested.

The appropriate alloy should be lighter and coated to withstand the salt air and salt water along all of several sluices/outfalls/ from Kingston, Cowan Street, Lamaha Street, Muneshwer (Church Street) John Fernandes (Commerce Street),Riverview, Ruimveldt, Banks (Meadow Bank), Princes Street and Sussex Street. The failure to seek advice and to monitor the works resides in a certain callous attitude which suggests that all that matters is our new found wealth with friends so that nothing else really matters. If this Government is really serious about good governance, they will seek wise counseling from those with experience, supported by qualified young engineers and technicians. This is a sad and sorry situation.

The trouble is at the end of the day the victims are the citizens of Guyana. The plethora of advisors must persuade President Ali that his talk of One Guyana is meaningless unless he has the strength to sit around the proverbial round table and talk. If the Government cannot understand that within the Cabinet and the party elite that there exists others who can help secure peace and prosperity for Guyana, we are in trouble.

As a citizen I publicly encourage those who write and speak through the Independent media, not to give up, whatever you may think, listening to programmes such as Glenn Lall, Sherod Duncan, Mark Benchop, Dr.  David Hinds, GHK Lall , Jennifer Bulkan Dr. Vincent Admas and Members of Parliament during the Budget debate and Channels 6 and 9, are all useful since views outside of the Government’s massive propaganda machine are necessary if we are to ensure freedom of expression and integrity of the nation state.


Hamilton Green