Truck business in Lusignan East is a safety hazard to residents

Dear Editor,

For years the villagers of Lusignan East have been affected by the operation of an inconsiderate resident with a ‘truck business’ but no business place to house his huge trucks. Instead, he utilises the shoulders of the public road, reserved for pedestrian traffic and approximately half of the actual roadway, thereby obstructing the smooth flow of motor traffic and the ability of motorists to clearly view pedestrians and oncoming vehicles. Workers and children are forced to walk directly on the road and several minor accidents have already occurred resulting in vehicular damage due to his trucks obstructing the vision of motorists. 

Although several residents have complained directly to him, he continues to disregard the cries of the affected and behaves like a bully. And apart from the residents being greatly affected, his trucks are destroying the shoulders of the roads. The officials of the Mon Repos/La Reconnaissance NDC seem to either be intimidated by this man or incompetent to deal with the issue although they rightfully can since he is using state reserve to conduct his business, obstructing motorists and denying pedestrians their right to use the public roads in a safe manner. He has created a public hazard and is jeopardising the lives of others.

Editor, how can someone be allow#ed to operate a ‘truck business’ with at least a dozen gigantic trucks yet not have a site to place them? Why has the relevant authority allowed this individual to affect the lives of hundreds of residents and pose a danger to their very existence on the roadway?

While people should be allowed and encouraged to establish their own businesses and earn an honest dollar it should be done in the correct manner and not at the expense of others. Our neighbourhood is taking on the appearance of a junk yard with the residents of the first street (closest to his operations) even more affected; the entire street is lined with trucks and junk vehicles with persons ‘working’ on them right in the middle of the street. And in the night, we are besieged by both noise and air pollution (fumes from the trucks) since the ‘business’ is busiest then.

Due to the fact that this ‘businessman’ has faced absolutely no consequences for affecting us, other selfish ‘business bullies’ have followed his lead. Some live in nearby villages yet are using the state reserve in front of residential lots to conduct their auto and/or mechanic business. If someone wants to operate a business they should have a site and the right equipment for that business; others should not be affected. No doubt he is aware of his options. Editor, we are calling on the relevant authority, including the Local Government Ministry, to address this situation before someone is injured or a life lost due to this public hazard.


Residents of Lusignan East