Gov’t must take tougher action against blocking of roads

Dear Editor,

A recent news release stated, “Stop blocking roads in Buxton- Home Affairs Ministry” (Feb. 1, 2023), in which the Ministry of Home Affairs appealed to persons who have blocked roads in Buxton with burning tires and other debris to stop doing so, as they pressed demands for the release of a suspected narcotic trafficker.

I was on the Corentyne heading to Georgetown when my driver received phone calls from his friends that they are setting fires, blocking the road and burning a truck in Buxton, that we should not travel to Georgetown. I am sure others received similar information from friends.

Since when is it okay that people should create public terror to stop law enforcement from arresting drug dealers, and pelting of firefighters from extinguishing fires? This is simply unacceptable and Government must take the firmest action to preserve the rule of law.  In this case, the drug runner was carrying over 50 pounds of marijuana. Maybe some terrorists have been arrested but I have not heard anything about anyone being charged as there is ample video footage identifying the perpetrators breaking the law, as in other cases of road blockings and burnings.

The Ministry of Home Affairs calling on persons engaged in the blocking of the roadways and other illegal activities to desist from this practice is a weak, pathetic response. If we do not charge the violators, we are in effect reinforcing such lawbreaking behaviours. We are still waiting on the promise that more violators will be charged for the Mon Repos terrorism. Where are we with that Mr. AG? If the Government shows weakness, terrorists will continue with their terrorism, and drug lords will call the shots. We must change the law to impose stricter penalties including mandatory jail time for those who would encourage and organize to block roads especially in a one road situation that people must use to get to appointments, travel to the airport, and attend to business and emergencies.

So far, by its inactions, the Government is sending strong signals that terrorists can create public terror as the Government will be soft on such crimes. How much more burnings should we endure before the Government takes stronger action to protect the nation?

The other action at Hopetown of beating a driver involved in an accident is also regrettable. Since when is that acceptable to take matters in your own hands? How many people have been charged for beating the driver? Even in unfortunate accidents, the rule of law must take its course.

When these things happen, Government must take follow up actions and ensure these would not be recurring behaviours. Wrongdoers must be duly punished. Government must take action.


Dr. Jerry Jailall