Recycled plastic among innovations on Great Diamond houses -CHPA

An overhead shot of the area  (CHPA photo)
An overhead shot of the area (CHPA photo)

Around  100 low-income and moderate-income homes are being constructed at Great Diamond, East Bank Demerara utilizing modern construction techniques, the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) says.

Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, visited the construction site on Monday, where he noted his satisfaction with the progress made so far by contractors.

The houses being built (CHPA photo)

Fifty low-income units, measuring 600 square feet, are being built by Visionary Builders and Services Inc., using modern materials such as metal sheets and concrete. Each unit costs approximately $5.5 million, the CHPA said in a release.

Meanwhile, South Atlantic is erecting 50 moderate-income units utilizing reinforced concrete foundations and blocks made only of recycled plastic. These homes measure 600 square feet and cost $5.9 million each.

The Minister said that  the first 26 low-income units are expected to be completed by the end of February, while the moderate-income homes are expected to be completed in April. The homes are not only intended to address housing needs in the country but are also a step towards using more innovative solutions, the CHPA said.