Stabroek News

Allan Fenty painted my life’s landscape

Dear Editor,

It is with a sad heart, I received news of the death of Allan Fenty, who in my opinion stood in the place of the late folklorist Wordsworth McAndrew. In 1968 I met Mr. Fenty as a fellow member of staff of Goed Fortuin Primary School. A mild affinity was established leading to interactions through which I learnt more of him. One of his traits in speaking was to avoid the personal pronoun “I” using “Fenty,” instead. When I produced a compilation of poems titled “Miracles of Meanings,” in the 90s, he accommodated me via an interview on his “Cook Up” show on television. It was for me a wonderful experience. I will miss him. He painted the landscape of my life with beautiful memories. I think the Ministry of Education can honour this son of Guyana by reprinting his publications for children so popular in the early 70s. Again I say, I will miss him.


Krishna Nand Prasad

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