Mash 2023 was a good augury

Dear Editor,

This letter constitutes what I would refer to as a verbal staccato, but like a musical score, the different bits and pieces that follow will constitute, like music, a single, pleasant and informative score to benefit this and succeeding generations. The initial challenge in a daunting dilemma is as the curtains come down on Mash 2023, will our leaders be true to the sentiments expressed in the words of our National Song, Hymn for Guyana’s Children, written by Vere T. Daly and music by Valerie Rodway? Let us be true to the second stanza of the Hymn for Guyana’s Children:-

                “Great is the task that Thou hast given:

                    Thy will to show, Thy truth to find:

                    To teach ourselves that we are one

                    In thy great Universal mind.”

Our leaders with humble hearts, set aside the perceived pettiness and hold hands for the benefit of the country, blessed with such tremendous natural resources. The first thing to recognize is that four decades ago, world leaders, thanks to technology and communication, determined that our world was no more than a global village. Today 24th of February, there appeared in the Editorial of Stabroek News, Friday, 24th February an erudite, thought-provoking Editorial, dealing with the exercises in Ukraine and Russia and which now is absorbing billions of money in war machinery. That could have been better spent to end starvation and misery of millions in Asia, Africa and elsewhere.

We have in charge of the Chief of State, a group that accepts no responsibility for the woes and daily dilemma of many Guyanese, so we have for example, the powers that be blaming two credible concerned nationalists Mr. Mike Mc Cormack and Ms. Vanda Radzik, for Guyana’s suspension from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) body. We note people being charged for the act of terrorism but when you spit in the face of ordinary people and call an ordinary female security guard a racial epithet, this is not terrorism, but more than that, the powers that be have withdrawn privately instituted charges and as we battle with the scourge of illegal drugs, the majority of those convicted are the small fishes, while the big sharks go free.

The date of our Republic is to remember the heroic effort of Cuffy, Accabree and others, starting February 23, 1763 at Magdalenenberg. The rebellion did not succeed, not only because of the machinations of the Dutch, but the failure of the wo leaders, Cufrfy and Accabre, to recognize that they should have set aside their differences and work together to confront and say to their exploiters that we are demanding a fair share of this place where our blood and tears were shed. I hope, I pray that the lesson of February 23rd is not lost in the revelry of the moment but that the harm done through a people, because of disunity can sometimes be beyond repair.

In Georgetown, in spite of the gloom and inclement weather, the Mash Parade was good and I wish to compliment all those responsible for organizing the event. The Guyana Police Force, with the largest contingent, were supported by their youth groups and were outstanding. This is a good augury.


Hamilton Green