One of the characteristics of gov’ts is to disregard what the activist citizen asks for

Dear Editor,

I write with reference to Darsh Khusial’s letter titled: “What evidence is there of an EITI extension?” in SN edition of Feb 24th. Darsh Khusial has done some excellent research – looking up those websites – and now demanding proof from President Ali that an extension had been granted. One of the characteristics of the PPP gov’t (maybe the same is true of PNC gov’ts) is to disregard what the Activist citizen asks for. They are dismissive of the citizens’ complaints. So, don’t be surprised if President Ali – or his Minister for Energy – doesn’t respond to a citizen’s question. One of the reasons GoG is running into problems is that they have a wrong idea of what constitutes governance. OGGN had written Minister Bharrat asking to be considered for a seat on the Petroleum Commission Board in Oct 2020. Minister responded and said he would take our request to Cabinet. We never heard from him again. He went cold.

We have challenged the gov’t on the matter of Renegotiation of the Oil Contract. Gov’t’s approach is to stonewall us. That is their approach to governance. Dismiss every citizen group. Brand them anti-gov’t; they are enemies of the State. This is their philosophy of governance. None of these various groups are anti-govt. They simply want to hold the gov’t accountable and exercise power responsibly. The perception emerging and taking hold among the Guyanese population is that Exxon has this gov’t in their back-pockets. Gov’t must act to dispel this perception. Guyana is an Independent, sovereign nation. Show that you are in control of the State. Not Exxon.

Who, for example gave Exxon permission to mount billboards all across Guyana, promoting misleading and false facts about Guyana’s share of oil revenues? What are Exxon’s aims and objectives behind those billboards? Would gov’t demand they pull down or correct the messages on those billboards? Exxon says on those BB, Guyana is getting 52% profit. That is misleading information. If GoG refuses to take up this matter with Exxon, that is evidence Exxon is in control of this country. Exxon has something over this govt. The average Guyanese surveyed says they read the BB and believes Guyana is getting 52 barrels out of every hundred barrels produced. I challenge the GoG to do their own surveys and prove me wrong. 

The cold fact of this matter is that GoG is getting 14.5 barrels out of every 100 produced. GoG’s explanation that Guyana’s share of revenues will rise as CAPEX (*capital outlays”) is paid down is simply not true. Capex is a steadily growing number – gets larger with every new oil well, oil field and pipeline put into operation. It is common sense that the Absence of Ring Fencing will prevent GoG’s share of revenues from rising above 14.5 barrels for many years into the future. The Accounting and Financial system built into the oil contract is the death knell to GoG’s chances of ever getting a fair share of oil revenues consistent with Guyana being the owner of the oil resource.


Mike Persaud