Many single moms are unsung heroes

Many times when we say women are unsung heroes it is in reference to them doing great things in their career path or their work or actions impacting the lives of many. But what about those who every day just do what needs to be done to ensure that their children are fed, clothed, have a roof over their heads and have access to education.

They are also unsung heroes and they do it with little or no support from the fathers of their children. I remember many years ago I interviewed a woman who was a sweeper cleaner by day, security guard by night and in between she was a farmer. Her indescribable strength ensured her children were cared for.  Of course, she was not doing good for her health as our bodies need rest and she was seldom getting any. I don’t know what she is doing now but I am leaning towards one day travelling to that far away village to see if I can find her.