Dear Editor,
GTT is supposedly providing a service to Guyana and at the same time, receiving profits. Looking at the period of time and the type of service they provided over the years and making comparisons with emerging competitors, whilst they claim to have Guyana’s interest at heart, their actions speak differently. Many are grateful for the service they are presently providing. Looking at the pace GTT has been moving when it was the only telephone service provider, and the huge list required from an individual to receive their service, and the frustration attached to it from running behind them for maintenance and other services were, at that time, very frustrating. At one time, transport/title was a requirement to receive a service from GTT, today, due to competition, one phone call and within one day, you get their service.
Editor, at one time, GTT was providing dish phones to your house, where one dish accommodated two phones and many people jump to take the service which eventually dissolved without any replacement or no reason given. Approximately ten years ago, I wrote of the service not being available anymore and people in Zeelugt were still being billed and it keeps coming every month. As I mentioned earlier, just one phone call and within a day, you get the Fibre service without a visit to their office or filling of any form. Because of competition, I’m assuming management decided to relax some of the requirements and remove the tedious processes.
Now, to facilitate its rapid expansions, GTT is giving out contracts for speedy installation and during that process, one has to sign an agreement that GTT drafted. One does not realise what they are signing on to, and the contractors or whosoever installing, doesn’t tell you what you are signing on to. They simply hurry up you to sign. Now, I signed up for their service, but due to my work, I was not around to pay one month on time, so I got disconnected. When I returned, I was informed that I have to pay for two months along with the reconnection fee. I bluntly refused. As each month passed, my bill keeps increasing as if I’m using the service, even though it’s disconnected. Querying around, many like myself are experiencing the similar situation even though they indicated that they no longer want the service and that they are not paying for what they not getting. Is there anyway GTT can stop this exploitation?
Sahadeo Bates