This patient has recourse to legal action as a result of professional and institutional incompetence

Dear Editor,

In an article which appeared in the News Media on March 2, it was reported that a young pregnant mother, Sussana Philmattie (the “Patient” herein) was admitted to the Suddie Regional Hospital on the Essequibo Coast for the delivery of her baby. As reported, she went into labour and was expecting a normal delivery of her baby but because of complications encountered, the attending physician decided to perform a C-Section operation for her birth delivery which was apparently successful. The Patient was discharged from the Hospital and went home with her baby.  However, after giving birth she was experiencing pain and swelling on the left side of her stomach and decided to return to the Hospital for treatment. After examination by the medical staff there she was given an antibiotic for the pain.

Unfortunately as she claimed, the pain persisted and therefore she sought medical opinion elsewhere, finally ending-up at the Georgetown Public Hospital where an emergency operation was performed to remove gauze found in her uterus and which was causing the pain and swelling.  The gauze was inadvertently left in her abdomen when she had the C-section operation some two months earlier. It is evident that the doctor who performed the C-Section operation to deliver her baby at the Suddie Regional Hospital was negligent, and incompetent, as in any surgical procedure, the performing surgeon has to ensure that all material and equipment used in an operation are removed from the patient’s body before closure of any incision is done.

Therefore, it is concomitant that the Health Minister conduct an inquiry into this malpractice and take appropriate disciplinary action against those responsible for the pain, suffering and expenses this Patient had to endure because of carelessness. The Patient also has the option to pursue legal action against the doctor(s) and Suddie Regional Hospital for adequate compensation for the pain, suffering and substantial medical expenses she incurred as a result of the professional and institutional incompetence meted out to her.


Charles Sohan