Stabroek News

Any further news of how Mr. Gilliard’s vineyard is faring?

Dear Editor,

About six months ago there was a media report that Mr. Devin Gilliard of Corentyne, Berbice had successfully grown grapes and was ready to move forward to grow them commercially. The Government had given him two acres with the promise of more land if he would have planted the two acres successfully.  We hope the proactive Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha would have NAREI give technical help and support to Mr. Gilliard.  He should also be offered business support and the Ministry may ask a private entrepreneur to help in this regard.  Probably TOPCO could be approached.

An old friend who had visited the vineyards of Europe, including those of Champagne and Tokay in Hungary, informed me that many Portuguese families grew grapes in their yards in the 19th and early 20th century since they originated in Madeira which grew grapes and produced wine.  It may be useful to send a member of NAREI’s staff to Chile, Argentina or California to acquire much more skills in grape cultivation.

 Could we get any further news of how Mr. Gilliard is faring?  A newspaper reporter could do this.


Paul Validum Ramlochan

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