Baby girl dies after breathing problem at Ogle day care centre

Oriyaa Gravesande
Oriyaa Gravesande

An Ogle day care is coming under heavy questioning by the authorities over the death of a seven-month-old baby who allegedly died from suffocation.

The dead toddler has been identified as Oriyaa Gravesande of Success, East Coast Demerara. 

It was related to Stabroek News that the incident happened just after 12 pm yesterday at the Little Learners Day Care in Ogle.

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An official of the daycare who gave a brief explanation of the incident said that the toddler was at the time panting for breath when she was rushed to the Ogle Health Centre and later to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival.

At the time of the incident, it was noted by the official that the toddler had a cold, which stymied her breathing, and which might have led to her death.

Saddened by the passing of her child, the baby’s mother, Shavannie Gravesande in tears at the hospital related that her daughter went to the daycare without any issue.

She said that she was told that the child  fell at the side of the bed at the day care, and got caught up in sheets and suffocated.

The mother said that when  the incident happened, the daycare official took several hours to contact her about her daughter and she believes that if she was contacted sooner her child would have been alive.

She said that she needs justice and a proper understanding of what may have transpired.

At press time, operators of the daycare were being questioned by the police as investigations continued.  (Joseph Allen)