Grove residents flooded following river defence breach

Prime Minister Mark Phillips (second from left) inspecting the flooding last night (Ministry of Public Works photo)
Prime Minister Mark Phillips (second from left) inspecting the flooding last night (Ministry of Public Works photo)

A river defence breach at Grove on the East Bank of Demerara last night led to severe flooding and Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill said that a shelter will be opened.

Edghill was at the scene  last night with Prime Minister Mark Phillips and Minister in the Ministry of Public Works Deodat Indar.

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Edghill told the media that he was in Linden when he got calls about the breach at Grove. He said that a contractor had been doing river defence work in close proximity to where the breach occurred.

That contractor and other emergency response contractors were mobilised and were on the scene last night.

He said as the Minister of Public Works he was “deeply traumatized” by what he had seen in terms of damage and the effects of the suffering caused by the flooding.  Along with the Prime Minister he had accompanied householders to inspect the damage.