Data for natural gas power plant deeply deficient

Simone Mangal-Joly

Environmentalist Simone Mangal-Joly says that the data on which the decision was made by the EPA to waive an impact study for the 300-megawatt natural gas-fired power plant was deeply deficient and does not include critical information on potential impacts of the project.

In a written objection addressed to the Office of the President, Mangal-Joly stated that none of the six reasons provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for waiving an impact assessment (EIA) are justified by the information contained in the Guyana Power and Gas Inc.’s application for an Environmental Permit, its accompanying Project Summary that was supplied by the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc or the EIA for the Gas to Energy (GTE) project, inclusive of an Air Dispersion Modelling Report and Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA).