Stabroek News

There are ample safeguards to prevent multiple voting and any form of skulduggery come LGE

Dear Editor,

This letter is in response to a piece of fake news by an obscure webpage claiming that the PPP/C has ‘plans for a massive rigging scheme’ at the forthcoming LGE.

It is not for me to respond on behalf of the PPP/C, however, in my capacity as a Commissioner at GECOM, I consider it my duty to expose the wicked and malicious claim by anyone claiming that GECOM will sit on its hands and allow anyone especially known APNU riggers to ride roughshod over GECOM’s election machinery as was done during the March to August 2020 attempt by the APNU+AFC to violate the democratic will of the electorate.  There are certain electoral realities the political opposition while gallivanting on social media choose to ignore as safeguards to prevent multiple voting and any form of skulduggery come LGE on Monday, June 12, 2023 or any future election in Guyana.

1. Identification of the Voter

Before an elector is allowed to vote, he/she will be properly identified as the person he/she claims to be. In order to facilitate this, GECOM has placed electors’ photographs alongside their names on the Folio that will be at the Polling Stations in the possession of Election Officials and Party Agents. When an elector goes to the Polling Station to vote, an Election Official will first examine the ID card to confirm that it belongs to the elector. The Election Official will then compare the photograph on the ID card with the one alongside the elector’s name on the folio to confirm that he/she is the same person. Providing the Official is satisfied that the elector is who he/she is claiming to be, he/she will then be processed for voting. On the other hand, if any discrepancy is noted, the elector will be subjected to questioning, and possibly, be arrested immediately.

 2. The Use of Indelible Ink

In the voting process, electors will be required to dip the first joint of their right index finger in the indelible ink. Before electors are allowed to vote, their fingers will be examined for traces of indelible ink. If traces of indelible ink are found on an elector’s finger, it will be treated as evidence that he/she has already voted and will not be allowed to vote again. Consequently, the elector will be subjected to questioning, and possibly, be arrested immediately.

 3. Party Agents

On Election Day there will be Political Party Agents at the Polling Stations throughout the voting process to witness the physical identification of voters and the examination of their hands for traces of indelible ink. If a Party Agent has good reason to believe that any person is not the elector he/she claims to be, or that the person has already voted, the Agent can bring this to the notice of the Presiding Officer. This will result in the person being questioned, and possibly, be arrested immediately if he/she is found to have already voted.

4. The Presence of Security Personnel from the Guyana Police Force

Ranks from the Guyana Police Force will be present at all Polling Stations throughout Election Day to assist the Presiding Officers in ensuring that the election process is implemented in a lawful and orderly manner. The Police will be invited by the Presiding Officer to take firm action pertaining to the commission of any electoral offence within the boundaries of the Polling station.

 5. Voter Education

GECOM has embarked on an intensive and nationwide Civic and Voter Education campaign aimed at informing electors about their rights and responsibilities as voters, and to dissuade them from becoming involved in skullduggery. Emphasis will be placed on the reasons why electors should not become involved in the conduct of electoral offences, as well as the penalties associated with such offences. GECOM will make it known clearly that the Commission and its Secretariat are committed to having persons promptly arrested if they are found to be engaging themselves in any electoral offence.

  6. Efficient Conduct of the Polls

During the training of the Returning Officers, Presiding Officers and all other levels of Polling Day Staff, emphasis was placed on the need for them to always carry out their respective responsibilities in a manner that will not cast any shadow of doubt on the election process and the emerging results. GECOM has emphasized that Polling Day Staff would be held accountable, even prosecuted, for any irregularity which could result in the outcome of the elections being tarnished.

 7. Absent Electors/Deceased Persons

Deceased persons whose names are on the voters’ list cannot and will not present themselves to vote. The photographs on the folio at each Polling Station will preclude anyone from trying to vote in the place of any deceased person. Similarly, in the case of electors who might be out of Guyana on Election Day, other persons will not be allowed to vote on their behalf simply because of the photographs alongside the electors’ names in the Folio.

 8. Counting of Ballot at Place of Poll

As provided for by law, ballots cast will be counted at the respective Polling Stations. Each Presiding Officer will sign the Statement of Poll. Each of the Party Agents present will also sign as on the Statements of Poll an attestation that he/she is satisfied with the counting and recording of the votes. Thereafter, the Presiding Officer will (i) publicly declare the results of the elections at his/her Polling Station, (ii) give a signed copy of the results to each Party Agent, and (iii) post the results at a noticeable place outside of the Polling Station.  Two separate copies of the Statement of Poll are sent under Police escort to the Returning Officer and the Chief Election Officer respectively.

 9. Integrity of the Statements of Poll

The Chief Election Officer has approached the Commission for approval of a proposal that seeks to introduce measures to protect the integrity of Statements of Poll during their transmission from the Polling Station to the Returning Officer and Chief Election Officer.

 10. Observers

Observers that have been accredited by GECOM will be monitoring the election process countrywide with a view to contributing to the elections being conducted in accordance with international best practice.

 11. Assistance from Political Parties

GECOM calls upon all Political Parties and other Civil Society Organizations to appeal to their respective supporters and membership not to attempt, in any way, to thwart the successful conduct of the elections by trying to vote more than once, or from acting in any manner which could hinder the successful conduct of the elections. In fact, all Political Parties and other Civil Society Organizations are urged to caution their supporters/membership that any attempt to so do would result in them being immediately arrested and prosecuted. This could result in them being fined and/or jailed, and possibly banned from voting at future elections.

 12. Transparent Ballot Boxes

The transparency of the voting process will be buttressed through the use of transparent ballot boxes for the elections. This move will guarantee that the contents of the ballot boxes are always in view of all categories of personnel and stakeholders inside the Polling Stations.

Under these conditions, no amount of fake news, irrespective of its source, will succeed in distracting the Guyanese electorate from believing in and supporting the democratic forces to realize a free and fair LGE’23.

Yours faithfully,

Clement J. Rohee


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