GASCI ( Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 1013’s trading results showed consideration of $88,976,889 from 224,438 shares traded in 43 transactions as compared to session 1012’s trading results, which showed consideration of $32,640,819 from 71,419 shares traded in 37 transactions. The stocks active this week were DIH, CCI, CBI, DBL, DDL, DTC, BTI, PHI and RBL.
Banks DIH Limited’s (DIH) four trades totalling 27,900 shares represented 12.43% of the total shares traded. DIH’s shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $201.6, which showed a decrease of $17.3 from its previous close of $218.9. DIH’s trades contributed 6.32% ($5,623,500) of the total consideration. DIH’s first two trades totalling 2,000 shares were at $215.0, its third trade of 15,000 shares was at $190.0, while its fourth trade of 10,900 shares was at $215.0.
Caribbean Container Incorporated’s (CCI) three trades totalling 3,008 shares represented 1.34% of the total shares traded. CCI’s shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $50.0, which showed no change from its previous close. CCI’s trades contributed 0.17% ($150,400) of the total consideration. All of CCI’s trades were at $50.0.
Citizens Bank Guyana Incorporated’s (CBI) fourteen trades totalling 6,865 shares represented 3.06% of the total shares traded. CBI’s shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $350.0, which showed no change from its previous close. CBI’s trades contributed 2.70% ($2,402,750) of the total consideration. All of CBI’s trades were at $350.0.
Demerara Bank Limited’s (DBL) six trades totalling 91,586 shares represented 40.81% of the total shares traded. DBL’s shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $380.6, which showed an increase of $0.6 from its previous close of $380.0. DBL’s trades contributed 39.18% ($34,859,799) of the total consideration. DBL’s first trade of 1,948 shares was at $378.0, its second trade of 500 shares was at $379.9, its third to fifth trades totalling 28,073 shares were at $380.0, while its sixth trade of 61,065 shares was at $381.0.
Demerara Distillers Limited’s (DDL) four trades totalling 532 shares represented 0.24% of the total shares traded. DDL’s shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $338.0, which showed a decrease of $1.9 from its previous close of $339.9. DDL’s trades contributed 0.20% ($179,816) of the total consideration. All of DDL’s trades were at $338.0.
Demerara Tobacco Company Limited’s (DTC) three trades totalling 197 shares represented 0.09% of the total shares traded. DTC’s shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $2,990.0, which showed no change from its previous close. DTC’s trades contributed 0.66% ($589,030) of the total consideration. All of DTC’s trades were at $2,990.0.
Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry Limited’s (BTI) three trades totalling 4,007 shares represented 1.78% of the total shares traded. BTI’s shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $1,600.0, which showed no change from its previous close. BTI’s trades contributed 7.21% ($6,411,200) of the total consideration. All of BTI’s trades were at $1,600.0.
Property Holdings Incorporated’s (PHI) three trades totalling 16,985 shares represented 7.57% of the total shares traded. PHI’s shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $14.6, which showed an increase of $3.6 from its previous close of $11.0. PHI’s trades contributed 0.28% ($247,775) of the total consideration. PHI’s first trade of 14,985 shares was at $15.0, its second trade of 1,000 shares was at $11.0, while its third trade of 1,000 shares was at $12.0.
Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited’s (RBL) three trades totalling 73,358 shares represented 32.68% of the total shares traded. RBL’s shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $525.0, which showed an increase of $0.1 from its previous close of $524.9. RBL’s trades contributed 43.28% ($38,512,619) of the total consideration. RBL’s first trade of 284 shares was at $524.0, its second trade of 72,607 shares was at $525.0, while its third trade of 467 shares was at $524.9.
Best bid: The highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a security.
Best offer: The lowest price at which a seller is offering to sell securities.
Intangible Assets: In the balance sheet of a company intangible assets are a sub-category of fixed assets which are not physical and cannot be touched, e.g. goodwill, brands. Not all intangible assets are shown on the balance sheet because some are too difficult to measure accurately.
Source: Dictionary of Financial and Securities Terms.
Contact Information: Tel: 223 – 6175/6
Email: [email protected]