I haven’t noticed anyone chastising the relevant agencies responsible for children’s welfare

Dear Editor,

With dismay, I monitored the situation involving the day care and the toddler’s death. It’s not surprising to see that the daycare’s owner being charged for manslaughter. I feel very sad for her and whilst the child’s life was lost in her custody, I’m of the opinion that she alone is not responsible. Regrettably, everyone is silent and that’s very unfair.

Editor, based on news reports, the daycare was operational for around twelve years, even though it was not licensed or given permission. How is that possible? Like the day care, there are many others operating under similar circumstances and wonder now that a life has been lost, what preventative measures will be taken to avoid such situations in the future. So far, I haven’t notice anyone chastising the relevant agencies that supposed to be responsible for children’s welfare. Isn’t there an agency/ministry to ensure that a daycare have properly trained staff to care for children etc?

Finally Editor, if my information is correct, The Child Care and Protection Agency is directly responsible for monitoring daycare centres throughout Guyana and I would surely like to know if they do? Repeatedly, situations keeps reoccurring that could be prevented. I keep lamenting that there are many bodies that are not functioning adequately. Makes no sense talking about years of experience and cannot manage or prevent incidences from happening. It’s time people stop shouting racism and get capable persons to function. Racism is rampant in many places and as a result, it leads to corruption and incompetence which in turn, affects us all.


Sahadeo Bates