Body of missing Crabwood Creek woman found in East Canje

Telisha Domandeo
Telisha Domandeo

The body of a 36-year-old woman who was allegedly abducted by her ex-partner was today discovered in a clump of bushes at East Canje Berbice. Police have since launched a manhunt and issued a wanted bulletin for her ex-partner, Sunil Durga.

Police in a statement today said that Telisha Domandeo of Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, and a mother of one was found at Betsy Ground, East Canje, Berbice, with an incision to her neck. Her body was wrapped in a blanket.

Information provided by the police revealed that Domandeo went missing on April 14. At the time, she had moved out of her home at Crabwood Creek and was living with her mother at Blairmont, West Bank Berbice. Domandeo had previously shared a relationship with Durga, 50, of Betsy Ground, Canje, from which they have a child.

Subsequent to the report of the abduction from her mother’s home, police said checks were made for both Domandeo and Durga in regions Five and Six but they were not found.  Further checks however led to the discovery of the body yesterday.  Damandeo was found clad in a blue t-shirt and multi-coloured trousers.

Police from the marine unit acting on intelligence gathered visited a location at New Forest, East Canje and found a mattress and pillow with suspected bloodstains.

Domandeo’s body is currently at the Arokium Funeral Parlour awaiting an autopsy examination.

The wanted bulletin issued for Sunil Durga.