Residents of Lodge Housing Scheme thank Minister Edghill for his prompt response

Dear Editor,

On behalf of the residents of Lodge Housing Scheme, I wish to applaud and thank Minister Bishop Juan Edghill, MP for his prompt response to our pleadings to clear the mountain of garbage including, discarded stoves and refrigerators, which had become an eyesore in the community. The place has been completely cleared and weeded.

We have since installed multiple cameras to catch these uncaring miscreants and if they repeat their performance, they will be dealt with condignly within the law. Once again, we thank Minister Juan Edghill and appeal to all citizens to desist from using our parapets and verges to dispose of their unwanted materials.

Cleanliness and care for our communities must be the concern of all, irrespective of age, political affiliation or belief. Let us all subscribe to the mantra that cleanliness is next to godliness. Once again thank you Minister Bishop Juan Edghill.


Hamilton Green