This Week-in-Review April 23rd to April 29th


President orders that intelligence agency bill be taken to select committee: President Irfaan Ali las Friday night said that he had ordered that a bill for a national intelligence agency be taken to a select committee of Parliament for full deliberations. The move comes after public consternation had been sounded over the bill to establish a National Intelligence and Security Agency.In a post on his Facebook page, the President said: “I have instructed the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance and the Attorney General that the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) Bill be sent to a Special Select Committee of the Parliament so that the views and ideas of all stakeholders can be examined. I am aware of the importance of this Bill, but equally, I am committed to ensuring the fulsome nature of the Bill is understood and that interested stakeholders be given the opportunity to contribute to it”.


Lowenfield, Myers, Mingo made brazen attempts to derail elections – inquiry: “Shockingly brazen attempts” to derail the ascertaining of votes was how the Commission of Inquiry into the March 2nd general elections last Wednesday described the conduct of three top electoral officers but it was notably silent on the performance of the chair of GECOM. Stanley John, the document was released to the public. It delivered a withering attack on the then Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield, his deputy Roxanne Myers and District Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo who had had their contracts terminated by the Guyana Elections Com-mission in the wake of the five-month wait for results in 2020. All three had declined to testify before the inquiry and they are presently facing a host of charges before the magistrate’s court. “In summary, our inquiry reveals that there were, in fact, shockingly brazen attempts by Chief Election Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield, Deputy Chief Election Officer (DCEO) Roxanne Myers and Returning Officer (RO) Clairmont Mingo to derail and corrupt the statutorily prescribed procedure for the counting, ascertaining and tabulation of votes of the March 2nd election, as well as the true declaration of the results of that election, and that they did so – to put it in unvarnished language of the ordinary man – for the purpose of stealing the election”, the report said. Later, the report added that after careful consideration and analysis of the evidence before it, it was its considered view that the trio was principally responsible for clear and deliberate attempts to frustrate, obstruct and subvert the ascertainment of votes in electoral district No. 4. The report then laid out its reasons. Regarding CEO Lowen-field, it said that prior to the elections he met with international observers and party agents among others and explained to them: 1.  That the ascertainment and tabulation of votes cast was going to be by a comparative examination of SOPs in the possession of GECOM, with those in the possession of political party agents. 2. That ascertainment and tabulation of votes would be undertaken expeditiously. 3.   During the night of the 4th March, 2020 the CEO assured party agents and observers that the ascertainment and tabulation process would resume at 9:00 a.m. on that morning.  


Home Affairs PS was on PPP/C training programme – President: President Irfaan Ali last week said that Home Affairs Ministry Permanent Secretary, Mae Toussaint Jr. Thomas was on her way to a training programme in China for the PPP/C when she was called in for a secondary inspection at Miami International Airport in the US and her cellphone seized. Coming 18 days after the confiscating of her phone, the President’s statement will make even murkier the questions surrounding why she was pulled in by the authorities, why she was on a watch list and why her visa was revoked two days later. The nature of the training in China is also unclear. Further, the President and his government will have to explain why a supposedly politically neutral Permanent Secretary was engaged in party business in China when she should be above the fray. The PPP/C has often argued that public servants should not have political ties. This was one of the main grounds that it used to sack the former Head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Dr Vincent Adams. If she was on party business she should have been travelling on an ordinary passport, sources have pointed out. There was still no word from the government yesterday on why it remained silent for days on the confiscation of the cellphone. It was not until Stabroek News reported the seizing of the phone on Friday April 21st that the government lodged an inquiry with the US Embassy in Georgetown. By that time, senior government officials had to have known. Meanwhile, Toussaint Jr. Thomas broke her silence yesterday while not providing any significant details on why the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had taken her phone.  She said that the phone was seized on April 8 and she was notified of her visa revocation two days later. “I wish to refer to speculation, both in the Print and Social Media, about my interface recently with US Immigration officials at Miami International Airport on April 8, 2023. Most of what has been reported is erroneous. I wish to clarify that I was referred for a ‘routine secondary check.’ There was a misunderstanding over my official cell phone without me being able to advise my officials. I advised that the cellphone be sent to the Minister of Home Affairs, Honorable Robeson Benn in Guyana,” Thomas said in a statement issued. “Thereafter, I was allowed the choice of entering the United States of America or continuing on my journey- which last I opted to so do. Subsequently, during my return journey I was advised that my US visa was revoked on the 10th April, 2023 and that I would have to make alternative arrangements to return to Guyana,” the statement adds. She said that she remains “open to engaging with US authorities on any possible travel arrangements to the USA in the future.”


Single-window bill for land matters sent to select committee: A long-waited bill for a single window on land matters was last week Monday sent to a Select Committee of Parliament for the consideration of amendments. The Planning and Development Single Window Platform (PDSWP)  Bill, which was laid in Parliament some five months ago, was set yesterday for passage when Parliament met at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre. However, according to Minister of Housing, Collin Croal, the bill will be sent to the committee due to amendments proposed both by the Government and Opposition some four days ago. “Mr. Speaker last week we receive a list of proposed amendments and recognizing … the list …is not dissimilar to what the members of the opposition brought out or proposed, yesterday in their engagement… we do intend, following the debate, we do intend and with the amendment proposed on our side, they are two amendments….we do intend to send the bill to the select committee”, Croal said. The committee is expected to consider additional amendments through more consultations and then return the bill to parliament. The PDSWP Bill when passed will fall directly under the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA), of the Ministry of Housing and Water. It will be a single-entry platform for the submission, processing and approval for all planning and development applications for minor or major projects. The Secretariat will include the CHPA, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), along with other Government agencies with an oversight committee monitoring the progress of the agencies. The Secretariat will be headed by Directors, with a tenure of one year, with a performance evaluation at the end of the year.

The Secretariat will have oversight as it relates to land use and its development, overlook the progress of the applications and other functions, and will have responsibility for dealing with [land] disputes. Additionally, a Tribunal will be set up where aggrieved persons can lodge appeals against adverse decisions by the Secretariat. The decision of the Tribunal will be final unless the matter is of national interest. Paper and electronic records will be kept and fees can be paid online once the requisite regulatory aspect is put in place. A timeframe for each application to be processed will be implemented, and its status placed online. Additionally, when an application is approved, a final review will be done by all relevant bodies on the portal. The portal will be launched in two months as training along with implementation of the system is currently ongoing. Croal said that such a system is needed to further improve Guyana’s current business ranking. “As we as a country aim to improve on the ease of doing business, and reducing or improving on the index; this intervention becomes a necessary tool. What obtains now is the tedium of parts that are costly, laborious, frustrating with gaps that often lead to redundancies and inefficiencies which in turn dis-incentivize businesses,” he said. Croal noted that the bill is the result of complaints received on the amount of time spent processing a single application.

Gov’t to set up national intelligence agency:

The government is moving to create a national intelligence agency whose Director will be appointed by the President and will have an official standing not less than that of a Chief of Staff of the GDF or a Commissioner of Police and who shall be the principal adviser to the President on matters pertaining to the Act when passed. Sources say a retiring officer of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) is likely to be appointed to this post once the Act is assented to. The National Intelligence and Security Agency Bill is to be tabled in the National Assembly tomorrow. Under Clause 6, the appointment of the Head of this body is in the sole purview of the President. Such an arrangement is likely to give rise immediately to concerns. According to the Explanatory Memorandum of the bill, the functions of the Agency are set out in Clause 4 and these include gathering information on national intelligence and security that will provide a basis for decision making and preventive action and conducting analysis of the information, providing intelligence and security advice to the President, Cabinet and, on the President’s direction where necessary, Ministers and entities in the security sector and other national stakeholders. Clause 5 provides for the President to give “general and special directions” to the Agency. It also provides that the President may, after consultation with the Minister or any other person the President considers appropriate, “give directions to the Director of a general or specific character regarding policy to be followed by the Agency and the Director shall give effect to those directions”. According to Clause 6, the Director shall have the authority, direction and control over the Agency subject only to the President. The Director’s official standing shall be equivalent to a position not less than a Chief of Staff or Commissioner of Police. The Director shall, subject to the requirement of legal advice, be the Principal adviser to the President on matters relating to the provisions of this Act. The qualifications of the Director and Deputy Director shall be a minimum of a first degree (or of an equivalent level) from a recognised university in the field or related field of intelligence, counter intelligence, security and defence or strategic studies. Clause 20 says that the Director shall have full operational powers including the power to organise, approve and supervise all activities and direct analytical and technical cooperation and external operations.


India, Guyana partnership needs to be `refreshed’ –External Affairs Minister: Visiting Indian External Affairs Minister Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on April 22nd said that the partnership between New Delhi and Georgetown has to be refreshed and oil and gas is clearly on the agenda. India has been pressing for access to the oil bonanza in Guyana’s Atlantic waters but a deal is still to be hammered out. Jaishankar yesterday presided over a roundtable discussion with members of the Indian business community who had travelled here and dozens from Guyana’s private sector. The session was held at the Atlantic Ballroom, New Pegasus Suites and Corporate Centre. Without specifically pointing towards the oil and gas sector which is propelling double-digit growth here, Jaishankar said that with Guyana on a new path of economic wealth, India will be remain a true partner in business. “The core of our relationship is a bilateral one. We take satisfaction in the new opportunities that have opened up. From our side we will like to be supportive as we can”, Jaishankar told the gathering. He said that with the new opportunities that have opened up, the partnership now has to be refreshed. “We believe our partnership in that sense needs to be refreshed to address a whole set of domains, which I can see today emerging in the life of Guyana and its people. And, it would truly be our privilege to do that”, Jaishankar stated. He asserted that the relationship will grow between the two countries beyond the oil and gas sector.


Sophia guard stabbed to death, reputed husband held: A 31-year-old security guard was stabbed to death last Wednesday morning at her Sophia home and her reputed husband has been held. A police report stated that Lisa George of Lot 604 ‘C’ Field, Sophia, Georgetown was stabbed 22 times.  Meshack Douglas, a 23-year-old security guard of Charlestown, Georgetown was arrested shortly after and two knives were recovered from the scene. Enquiries revealed that George wanted to end the relationship she shared with the suspect for the past seven months due to ongoing issues. Lisa George’s sister, Lovern George, who lives in the apartment above her sister, was alerted by the screams and rushed over, accompanied by her husband. The two ran into the bedroom and disarmed Douglas. Emergency medical technicians from the Alberttown Fire Station responded to the scene and pronounced Lisa George dead. Crime scene ranks who also attended the scene found Lisa George on her back on the bed, clad only in underwear. Upon examination of her body they discovered twenty-two stab wounds on the victim’s left arm and shoulder, right shoulder, chest, abdomen, left leg, neck and chin. They also recovered two knives. When Stabroek News spoke with the victim’s brother-in-law, Akeem Benjamin, via telephone, he recalled that sometime around 11 pm on Tuesday his reputed wife, Lovern, left him outside and went to bed. A couple of minutes after, he heard Lisa George  who lived in the apartment downstairs with the suspect and her two children, shouting at Douglas. After that he did not hear any other noise and went inside to sleep. Then at about 2:22 am yesterday he was awakened by Lovern and heard his sister-in-law screaming for help. They both ran over to Lisa George’s apartment to find out what was going on. Lovern was trying to break the windows to get in and he was banging on the door. Finally, Lisa’s son opened the back door for him. They then rushed into the bedroom where they found her sitting up on the bed, holding Douglas’ hands that contained a knife.  Benjamin added that he then wrestled with him and took away the knife. Meanwhile, he said, Lovern was trying to stem Lisa George’s bleeding and all the while she was saying to them, “Call the ambulance for me and call my child father.” The man recalled that while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, his sister-in-law was still talking to them saying, “Call the ambulance for me and call my child father because me ain’t getting fuh breathe.” At this point, he said, Lovern decided to open her sister’s mouth and blow into it in an effort to help her breathe. Lisa George, he related, “jumped up” and said, “I nah gon make it, I gon dead, I gon dead,” then she died.

Canje murder suspect found dead, suicide suspected: The East Canje Berbice cattle farmer accused of ordering the kidnapping of a 36-year-old woman whose body was discovered aback of Betsy Ground, East Canje, Berbice on April 21st, was found dead last Sunday morning; it was alleged he had committed suicide.Police in a statement had said that Telisha Domandeo of Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, was found at Betsy Ground, East Canje, Berbice, with an incision to her neck. Her body was wrapped in a blanket. A wanted bulletin was issued on Friday for her ex-partner, Sunil Durga, 50, who was suspected to have ordered her kidnapping. However, on Saturday evening police received information that relatives were attempting to bring Durga out from the Canje Creek when he reportedly claimed that he wanted to die, after which he jumped overboard. It is suspected that he consumed a poisonous substance before jumping into the Canje Creek. It was reported that a body was spotted in the creek. Police went to the location where Durga’s body was discovered along the Brotherson Long Hook Pump in the Canje Creek. The man’s brother later identified the body to be that of Durga. He told Stabroek News that his brother’s body had no marks of violence. Information provided by the police revealed that Domandeo went missing on April 14. At the time, she had moved out of her home at Crabwood Creek and was living with her mother at Blairmont, West Bank Berbice. Domandeo had shared a relationship with Durga some years ago, which produced one child who is now ten years old. Domandeo’s sister, Peshna Domandeo explained that her sister had left the East Canje area and moved to Crabwood Creek where she met her now husband with whom she has two children. About two months ago, she and her husband had an issue and she left the Crabwood Creek home with her three children and went to her mother’s house in Blairmont. The sister stated that Durga, who took care of his son, would usually drop off items for him. However, on the evening the woman was kidnapped he allegedly arrived at the location with three other men armed with a gun and cutlasses. “He come by my mother and them three man come in and duct tape she mouth and take her out. And he son recognise the car and run out and ask him where he taking mommy and he tell the boy to shoo and then he gone,” Peshna Domandeo said. A police report was subsequently filed and police said checks were made for both Domandeo and Durga in regions Five and Six but they were not found. However, Friday morning a resident reported the sighting of a body aback of Betsy Ground, East Canje Berbice which was later identified to be that of the missing woman. Domandeo’s body, clad in a blue t-shirt and multicoloured trousers, was found a short distance away from Durga’s animal pen.


Two die in head-on motorcycle collision: Two motorcyclists died early Saturday (April 22nd) evening after they were involved in a head on collision on the Timehri Public Road. Police yesterday identified the two men as 20-year-old Romeo Reid of Lot 30 Hyde Park Timehri and 31-year-old Leonardo Reevers of Block R. Sarah Johanna, East Bank Demerara. According to a release from police the accident occurred at around 21:30 on Saturday night and involved motorcycle CJ 7405, ridden by Reid and motorcycle CG 9504 ridden by Reevers. It was stated that Reid, who had pillion rider Leon Burnette, was proceeding south along the eastern side of the road at fast rate of speed. Neither of the two were wearing a safety helmets at the time. Reevers, who also was not wearing a helmet and was riding at a fast rate in the opposite direction, when he reportedly overtook a motor car and in the process ended up on the eastern side of the road and collided head-on with Reid. They all fell to the roadway as a result and were picked up by the police and public-spirited citizens in an unconscious conditions and taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre where the two motorcyclists were seen and examined by a doctor and died whilst receiving treatment. The pillion rider was also seen and examined by a doctor and admitted suffering from pain in the body and lacerations to the face. His condition is regarded as stable. The bodies of the deceased were then escorted to the Georgetown Public Hospital’s Mortuary for storage, awaiting post mortem examination. Investigations continues.

In the courts

West Bank man charged with breaking into four bonds, stealing millions: More than four months after a wanted bulletin was issued for him, Devindra Moteeram was last Tuesday  remanded to prison after being charged with breaking into four bonds on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD) and carting off millions in goods. The 25-year-old businessman of La Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, was accused of stealing millions in equipment, contractor tools and other items from the bonds when he appeared at the Diamond/Golden Grove Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Annette Singh. A police report stated that Moteeram was arrested last Thursday, April 20 and charged yesterday for the offence of  break and enter and larceny committed on the storage bond (40ft container) owned by Aranco Services Inc. The items allegedly stolen included, 46 sash windows (36×48) valued at $782,000; 6 awning windows (12×24) valued at $39,000 each; 6 Sash windows (30×36) valued at $96,000; 2 buckets of oil paint (5 gallons each) valued at $62,000 and two electric saws valued at $90,000 each. The incident occurred sometime between March 25, at about 17:00 hours and March 26, at 09:45 hors at the Young Professionals Scheme at Prospect, EBD. Moteeram was also charged with stealing from a storage bond owned by Ghansham Rajpaul, a 27-year-old contractor of Lusignan, East Coast Demerara. This incident took place between March 28, at 17:30 hors and March 29 at 07:30 hours at Prospect Housing Scheme, EBD. On this occasion he allegedly stole one green and black Total generator valued at $85,000. Moteeram was also charged with breaking into the property of Anil Singh, a 37-year-old manager of Premier Insurance Company where he was alleged to have taken one generator valued at $350,000, one compacter valued at $135,000, one grinder valued at $15,000, one electric saw valued at $15,000, One electric drill valued at $40,000, one water pump valued at $10,000, and one welding plant valued at $45,000. The above-mentioned property/items belonged to Ryan Baiche, a 37-year-old contractor of Good Hope, ECD. The incident occurred at Lot 604 Covent Garden, EBD, between March 28 at about 18:30hrs and March 29 at about 09:30 hours. Moteeram was also charged with break and enter and larceny, committed on the storage bond owned by Kamrul Baksh, Director of Guyana Tourism Authority between April 3 at about 16:30 hours and April 4 at about 08:00 hours at New Providence Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara. The alleged haul here included one Total water pump, one 3-inch water pump, tile-cutting machines, one Hilti drill, one Total sander, one Total screw gun, one power vibrator, one Total hammer drill, one DeWalt circular saw, one DeWalt angle grinder, and one Yamaha generator. The items had a total value $910,000. He pleaded not guilty to all of the charges and the matters were put down for disclosure on May 15th.